[2024 GITC Participant] Part 3. Seerano Johnpov from Cambodia > Participants' Story Global IT Challenge

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2024 [2024 GITC Participant] Part 3. Seerano Johnpov from Cambodia

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Meet 2024 GITC Final Round Participant

[3. Seerano Johnpov from Cambodia ]

Hello, this is the GITC Secretariat! :)

Welcome to the third on-site final round participant interview! Today, we’re shining a spotlight on Seerano Johnpov from Cambodia. Seerano has demonstrated outstanding performance, earning several prestigious awards: Best (1st) in the 2023 eLifeMap, Good (3rd) in eContent, and most recently, Excellent (2nd) in this year’s GITC eTool_Presentation. He has been a winner for two consecutive years! Let’s explore his journey and learn about the efforts and strategies behind his achievements.


Q. Hello, Seerano! Congratulations on your award! Could you start by introducing yourself?

A. Hello, I’m Seerano Johnpov from Cambodia. This is my second time participating in GITC, and it’s also my first visit to the Philippines. I’m very excited about this opportunity! 

Q. Wow, this is your second time competing! How was your experience at last year’s GITC? Did your previous experience help you prepare for this year?

A. Last year provided me with a lot of valuable experiences and learning opportunities. It helped me prepare much better for this year’s competition.

Q. Since GITC focuses on solving problems within limited timeframes, your previous experience must have been invaluable! Do you have any time management tips you’ve learned from competing in GITC consecutively over the past two years?

A. I've been trying my best to study and review the subjects that are part of the competition. I often find it difficult to fit study hours into my busy schedule. I still try my best to spend at least 15 minutes a day studying or reviewing the necessary materials. 

Q. That certainly highlights your impressive victories! Achieving such great results in the Philippines on your first visit must feel amazing. What were you most excited about before coming here?

A. I was most curious about the surroundings, buildings, and culture. These interest me the most. I also looked forward to meeting new people, making new friends, and learning about the Philippines and its culture during this journey.

Q. This competition must have been a truly rewarding experience for you. Finally, what did you learn from participating in the 2024 GITC?

A. I always strive to find ways to improve myself, particularly my knowledge and social skills. I very much love to socialize and have conversations with new people. I worked hard to achieve my dream and live a successful life, and I think I was able to get one step closer to my dream.

This was Seerano Johnpov, a talented participant who has achieved remarkable results two years in a row. His determination to fulfill his goals and aspirations is truly inspiring! Discovering a new country while excelling in the competition must be an incredibly fulfilling experience for him. We’re thrilled to contribute to such a memorable and positive experience for one of our participants through this interview. Now, only one last interview with a Global IT Leader remains! We'll be back with the next interview soon :)