2020~2023 [2022 GITC Participant] NUR FATIN NABIHAH from Malaysia
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Name Master Hit: 775 Date 22-09-14 08:31Contents
Hi, my name is Nur Fatin Nabihah Binti Mohd Dramanti Santri and I'm from Johor, Malaysia.
My friends call me Fatin and sometimes Nabihah.
I'm 15 years old and now studying in one of the excellent school in Muar Johor, Malaysia.
The school name is Sekolah Menengah Sains Muar or practically known as SAMURA.
I am one of the children born with hip spica disability.
But, thanks to Allah The Al Mighty, He gave me a brains.
Can be said that I'm a smart student and I always get a lot of A's.
I got my disability sinced I was a baby.
For me, the most difficult part in daily life is that I can't play a sport that I want to. It will be nice if I could play rugby.
But , I can play well in high jump sport. I have won the sport several times. I'm energetic , friendly and cheerful person.
Also, I'm an outgoing person, and like socialising.
I love to eat durians and I can eat it everyday.
Writing is my hobby. I write during my free time.
I re-write stories and poems from my books and it improves my handwriting.
People always said that my eyes and my eyelashes are so beautiful.
I have four brothers and I'm the only daughter in my family.
Both my parents are working as teachers in primary school.
My dream is that one day i could make a positive impact and being a role model to others especially those who are also disabilities types.
I would love to work as a lawyer in future and help to protect individuals, groups, companies, and the voiceless.
If I want to achieve my dream, I must focus forward in my studies and visualize my dream.
Also, I don't need to listen negative people and always take risks that feels right.
This is my first time participating in this competition.
Surely i felt so excited, enjoy and nervous with tense and pressure along setting up with the compettion requirement.
Thank you to Madam Shahriza for giving me the opportunity to participate in this competition.
This is also my first time attending video conferencing with others student and people through out the world wide and practice my English language.
The best part is, i represent my school and my country in this competition.
I made a lot of new friends from all over the world.
From GITC, I learnt how to edit video, setting powerpoint slide, do minimum editing in adobe photoshop taught by my father who was Technology Education Officer.
Now he is headmaster in primary school.
Always busy but during this period, i have bonding time with him learning tips and tricks involving video editing and setting up powerpoint slide.