2020~2023 [2018~2021 GITC Participant] Tilegen Rakhatbekov from Kyrgyzstan
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Name Master Hit: 756 Date 22-09-06 14:19Contents
Hello, My name is Tilegen from Kyrgyzstan.
I am 17 years old. I have cerebral palsy and I am deaf.
I have been playing on computer since I was six.
I can't write with my hands because of my disability, but I can do a lot on computer like writing, drawing or playing games!
I have been participating in the GITC since 2018.
In 2019, I made it to the Final and went to Korea!
The travel to Korea was so exciting. I saw the ocean and it was so beautiful!
I made a lot of new friends from all over the world.
From that GITC, I learned how to edit video and apply special effects.
Now I send greetings to my loved ones with a video.
Finally in 2021, I won the first prize at eContents Challenge!
How happy I was! My loved ones were happy, either.
Thanks to the GITC, I got great experience.
Soon I will finish my school, I need to choose the profession.
My profession certainly will be connected with computer programming.
I still have a lot to learn!
This year I will try my hand at GITC again.
Through the GITC, I hope you make great experience and find your dream like me!