[2019 GITC Participant] Thayakorn Jampanya from Thailand > Participants' Story Global IT Challenge

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Global IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities Participants' Story

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2017~2019 [2019 GITC Participant] Thayakorn Jampanya from Thailand

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Name Master Hit: 811 Date 22-09-06 13:42


Hello, My name is Thayakorn Jampanya, a student with visual impairment from Thailand. 

I felt impressed and excited to join the 2019 Global IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities. 

This was my first time in life to join such a wonderful event and challenging competition. 

I was so excited and nervous, but at the same time I had a lot of fun and enjoyed the time there. 

I got tons of experiences and I would like to utilize the awarded certificates from GITC for my study because I am intended to continue my study at the undergraduate level in the major that I am interested. 

Moreover, the experiences that I got from GITC are unforgettable and I hope that I could adapt these 

experiences to my university life. (Gold medal for eCreative, GITC 2019)