[2024 GITC Participant] Ha-rang Park from Korea > Participants' Story Global IT Challenge

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2024 [2024 GITC Participant] Ha-rang Park from Korea

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Name Master Hit: 507 Date 24-07-25 17:21


Meet the 2024 GITC International Preliminary Round Participant! 

[ 1. Ha-rang Park ]


During the two-day of 2024 GITC International Preliminary Round, we met two participants from Republic of Korea who joined on-site. Today, we are introducing our interview with Ha-rang Park, who has participated in GITC for four consecutive years! 


Q. Hello, Ha-rang! Please introduce yourself.
A. Hello! I am Ha-rang Park, a first-year student at Yeongdeungpo High School.


Q. How do you feel about participating in the competition over the past two days?
A. I felt happy. I am grateful for the opportunity to compete with young people from the Asia-Pacific region.


Q. This is your fourth time participating in GITC. What has motivated you to keep competing?
A. I have always been interested in computers. Since primary school, I have obtained various IT certifications like DIAT, ITQ, and Photoshop. I kept applying since I learned about GITC.


Q. Wow~ You’ve acquired many certifications. You even won MVP at the Regional Global IT Challenge(Seoul). It must have been challenging. What’s your secret??
A. I practiced various functions in the school computer lab every day. However, for difficult GITC problems, sometimes even with my parents' or teachers' help, I couldn't solve them. In such cases, I utilized the e-Learning resources and past problems on the GITC website.


Q. You’ve prepared very diligently! How did you find the problems in this year’s international preliminary round? Do you have a favorite category?
A. I am most confident in the eTool_Spreadsheet category. However, this year's problems were more challenging because the problems switched from Google Spreadsheet to MS Office. 


Q. Given the increased difficulty, do you have any specific goals for this GITC? What about your future goals?

A. My goal for this GITC is to win at least one category. I also want to continue participating in GITC as long as I can!


Q. Your passion is truly inspiring. Finally, can you share your determination for the 2024 GITC International Preliminary Round? 

A. I definitely want to go to the finals in Manila, Philippines!


We found Ha-rang to be a bright and cheerful participant with immense passion for IT. The GITC Secretariat draws energy from dedicated participants like Ha-rang. We hope he achieves great results in the current and future GITC competitions.

We support Ha-rang's path filled with perseverance and passion! We will also do our best to host competitions that match the enthusiasm of the participants. ❤️


*Interview TMI*

<Before the Interview>

Interviewer: Ha-rang’s father, you’re welcome to stay in the interview room if you’d like.

Ha-rang: No, dad, please wait outside… You’ll say something later…

Ha-rang’s Father: No, I promise I won’t.

(Light-hearted squabbling)

In the end, Ha-rang’s father decided to stay with us in the interview room. 


<After the Interview>

Everyone: Good job, everyone ~

Ha-rang: Dad, how did I do?

Ha-rang’s Father: Hmm… About 95 points?

Cameraman: Why is it 95, not 100? He did great. 

Ha-rang: :(