[2023 GITC Participant] Dave Soriano from Philippines > Participants' Story Global IT Challenge

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Global IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities Participants' Story

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2020~2023 [2023 GITC Participant] Dave Soriano from Philippines

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Name Master Hit: 635 Date 23-11-21 09:48



Dave Soriano

Philippines/17years/Physical (no arms, no knees)

eCreative_Smart Car 3rd

I'm so thrilled and nervous to be part of such a big event. 

Even though I don't have hands and legs, I enjoy walking every day, playing online games, and swimming. 

I have a passion for taking on projects at school, which is how I got here. 

I hope that my current self can be a role model for friends who, like me, struggle with severe disabilities. 

My dream is to become a computer engineer and, in the future, be someone who succeeds and inspires other students.