2020~2023 [2022 GITC Participant] Grishma from Nepal
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Name Master Hit: 1,456 Date 22-10-21 19:33Contents
Namaskar! My name is Grishma Adhikari from Nepal. I am 18 years old. I am a deaf girl by disability but ambitious and enthusiastic by nature.
I am a student, studying in class 11 at Central Secondary School for The Deaf, Naxal in Kathmandu, Nepal. There are 5 members in my family. Father is working as a Head - Administration in a Hospital. Mother is a housemaker. Elder brother is working as marketing professional in a 5-star hotel. Younger brother and me, both are students. I am interested in Information Technology and like travelling to new places. I love playing chess and football. I participated in the National Deaf Chess Tournament and won the second position in 2019. In the year 2020, I have played in the house level football tournament organized by my school and won the first place. Currently, I am playing for the Nepali National Deaf Women's Football Team for the 2nd Deaf Women FOOTBALL Championships to be organized by Asia Pacific Deaf Sports Confederation in Malaysia in 2023.
During GITC's Zoom meeting, there was a problem while communicating with friends from different countries in sign language due to the different sign languages used by the participants which is the most interesting memory, I had in which I participated. It is all about a learning experience. I am learning a lot and thankful to GITC for this opportunity.
After the interaction with GITC, I have found that my self - confidence level has increased and this has positively influenced me to pursue my dream of becoming an IT professional in the future. "Disability is not a curse, respect disability. Together, let's create an environment where people with disabilities can become independent."