[2019 GITC Participant] Karl Francis from Philippines > Participants' Story Global IT Challenge

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2017~2019 [2019 GITC Participant] Karl Francis from Philippines

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Name Master Hit: 729 Date 22-08-31 09:36


I am Karl Francis N. Du from the Philippines. 

I am deaf because my mom was having a fever when she’s pregnant with me. 

I like playing online games and watching anime and drama. I am good at drawing. 

My dream is to become a digital artist and accountant. 

I won the Silver medals for eTool& eCreative and Gold for eContent challenges from GITC in 2019. 

I rejoined GITC in 2021 as Finalist.

The interesting memories are the best things I’ve seen in Busan, South Korea. 

There were very delicious foods in restaurant, I love it so much. I gained a lot of friends from other countries. 

I was amazed to see that people are super friendly and kind to me.

 I was super happy and excited to go strolling around somewhere in Busan, South Korea.  

 GITC changed my life, I realized that having disability is not hindrance. 

My family, friends, trainers and supporters who believed in me and told me not to give up on it and keep it up. 

It gave me a courage and it makes me able to do anything. I am thankful to them who never stop believing in me.