[2018 GITC Participant] Fayza from Indonesia (Global IT Leader) > Participants' Story Global IT Challenge

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2017~2019 [2018 GITC Participant] Fayza from Indonesia (Global IT Leader)

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Name Master Hit: 840 Date 22-10-18 19:09


Hello~ My name is Fayza Putri Adila, which mean a girl with justice in succession.

I aspire to be like my name.

Currently, I'm 20 years old and attending Years 3 of Nanotechnology Engineering in Airlangga University.

At around 2 years old, I was diagnosed as hard of hearing person.

Since my surrounding isn't that inclusive back then, I struggled to read people's lips and practice my speech daily.

That is why I studying technology, in hope to research any technology or device that can make disabled person's life easier.

My current interest is in universal design in technology, however I'm also interested in other topics like fabrication and next generation technology.

Last year, my lecturer gave me chance in writing journal which the title is "Crafting a Next-Generation Device Using Iron Oxide Thin Film".

This year, I also participated in my faculty's international conference, ICATAM, in topic of "Synthesis of Silica Nanosphere for the Recovery of Gold from Aqueous Solution" with other practice colleages .

In my spare time love to read book, drawing, and watching movies. Many people always said I'm a really diligent and innovative person.  

For the GITC 2018, I was really nervous because it's my first time going abroad with family member or any people I know and recognized.

Thankfully, my teammates was so kind and always help me with any misunderstanding since I'm deaf.

My proudest moment as team is when our team successfully created the game under the time pressure even though we just know each other and kind of clashed with each other.

However, Indonesia's values which is teamwork or "kerja gotong royong" is our integrated internal moral hence we were able to overcome it.  

Thanks to other support, I was able to win the GITC 2018 in India.

My endeavour was really unexpected but I welcome the joys that follow afterward.

Due to it, I was rewarded Best Youth from Indonesian's Youth and Sport Ministry.

Not only that, Indonesian's Education Ministry also awarded me with scholarship hence I can continue to go college and pursue my future.

However, one of the best was when the invitation to go GITC 2019 in Korea by GITC team as previous winner.

The chance to speak in front of other people and visiting beautiful Korea is no comparable joy and one of most beautiful memories in my life.