2020~2023 [2022 GITC Participant] Dinh Thi Thu Thuong from Vietnam
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Name Master Hit: 786 Date 22-10-12 20:29Contents
Hello everyone, my name is Dinh Thi Thu Thuong.
I am 19 years old and I come from a northern mountainous province of Vietnam, Thai Nguyen.
A piece of land with a long tradition of history of the nation and it is also a piece of land known as land of tea.
There are 5 people in my family.
I am the eldest child in a family, and I have 2 siblings.
At my house, my parents both are workers.
They work usually in the hot weather, it is very hard and tiring, and when it rains, there is no work to do.
In the past, when I went to school, I often was discriminated and insulted by the look, words and actions of others, at such times I often had thoughts like why? why was I born like this?
What was I born to do? I cannot do it? I am useless! What am I trying to do?
Or like why did God give birth to me like this? Did God create me to punish me?
… Those thoughts kept swirling around in my mind and I was stuck in hatred and self-blame.
I hated the whole world, I resented life and fate.
But until I accidentally read an article about the role models of will to live and most especially, Ms. Nguyen Thi Van - Top 100 influential women in the world in 2019.
When I saw her, I was like waking up from the nightmare of my life, like a ray of light shining on me a 16-year-old girl that was feeling lost in this world, and now that I knew someone who are the same and would feel sympathy with me.
The more I know about her, the more I realised how that little girl has been doing for this life.
She is the co-founder of the center "Will to Live" where many other less fortunate lives study and work there.
That was when knew about "The Will to Live center".
After finishing high school, like others I took the final exam and also passed the university entrance exam, but I did not continue studying because I felt that I was not suitable to study.
I couldn't continue my studies due to my family's economic situation that did not allow me to continue my studies.
After quitting schools, I stayed at home and I thought there was nothing I could do. My legs and arms are weak, noone could understand what I was saying, and no one employed me as a worker.
At home, I helped my parents with the housework, and accidentally I saw a video of teacher Nguyen Van Hung - Tiny teacher on the social network introducing about working and studying in Hanoi at Will to Live center.
I knew that the center is providing free vocational training in photo editing for the disadvantaged and was also recruiting for a new course.
I applied for admission and got the call.
Now I have been studying and practicing at the center for 6 months already.
Here, I can be myself, not being distracted by the stigma of people around me, and instead of being judged, teachers and friends help me grow and change to be the better version of me.
I can meet new friends from other province, with different ages.
We come here and become a family called "Will to Live" and teachers have dedicated to students, professional in their work and with their rich life experiences, the teachers have supported us to be the new persons to participate in the society.
During my studies at the center, I was introduced and encouraged by teachers to participate in the GITC _ Global Information Technology Challenge for young people with disabilities.
After learning and listening to the instructions of Chu Minh Hung, I also registered to participate in the eLifeMap contest of the GITC contest.
But I am still very worried and equally nervous and proud that I have participated in such a great, meaningful and big competition.
This is also my first time participating in a contest with so many friends, you guys are very happy, very sociable and friendly, the thought is very positive, we are very happy to text each other during this time in the chat section of the Zoom application.
I feel happy and proud when I am one of the representatives of Vietnam participating in the GITC.
Although we could not meet and talk directly, I could feel their enthusiasm and determination.
It gave me such an unforgettable and meaningful experience.
My desire of life seems to be stronger and more confident after participating in the GITC.
I hope that the organizers of the GITC contest are and will organize many meaningful contests like this for me and other people with disabilities to exchange, learn, give, knowledge and sharp thinking ability, and better inclusion.
Thank you very much!!!!