2020~2023 [2022 GITC Participant] Nguyễn Thị Điểm from Vietnam
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Name Master Hit: 998 Date 22-09-20 19:53Contents
Hello, I am Nguyễn Thị Điểm from Vietnam.
I was born in 2001 at a small village called Dinh Hoa in Thai Nguyen Province, a Northeast Midlands Province of Vietnam.
I am the last child in a family of 5.
My father passed away in the late 2013, since then my mother and I have been living with my second brother’s family.
I was born with my disability, and since then I am loved and cared by my family but they have taught me to be independent and I am lucky to be able to my make my own decision for my life.
I graduated secondary school at home and I went to Hanoi to help with the sewing.
While I was working at the sewing place, I followed Tiktok channel of Thay Giao Ti Hon – teacher Nguyen Van Hung.
I knew about the Will to Live Center.
I am now a student of the Will to Live Center for 5 months.
When I heard about GITC I just came to the Center for more than a month.
I did not know about IT or computer before and I only had a month of IT basic training.
So, I was not confident enough to register for GITC.
I met a very good and intelligent friend at the Center.
We just know each other when we came here but she has helped me so much when we study at the Center and also at home as we rent a house together.
She has motivated me and encouraged me to register for GITC with her.
And now I could not believe that I am at the final round of GITC with my very good friend.
We are very proud of ourselves.
Thanks to very very good friend of mine.
When I participated through all the rounds and activities at GITC, I have learnt a massive knowledge that I did not know before, not only about computer or IT, but general knowledge in life.
I had never worked or communicated with foreigners before, but after the GITC I have met so many friends with the same groups over the world and I talked to a few and enjoyed learning from their view of Life.