GITC Cheer Up! Event > Announcement Global IT Challenge

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Global IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities Announcement

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GITC Cheer Up! Event

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Name Master Hit: 845 Date 21-09-29 09:56


Global IT Challenge Cheer Up! Event

Send the encouraging messages to GITC participants!


1. Take the picture to cheer for the GITC.

(You can use the attached poster or make your own.)


2. Post the picture on your Facebook with the below hashtag.

#CheerupGITC #GITCCheerUpEvent #GlobalITChallenge

(Search these hashtags on Facebook! Some participants have already joined the event)


The participant who gets the most "Like" from Facebook would be awarded from the final round.

*The number of "Like" would be counted by 17th October, 2021


laughGITC Official Facebook Page: